
1415 Beeson Mill Rd, Leetonia, OH 44431


Tomahawk 8550 Bale Processor

Teagle Tomahakw 8500 Bedding, Feeding, Dual Chop Bale Processor

A wider body for greater capacity and easier loading of 5Ft Wide bales. Industrial grade durability is provided by wear resistant material in the fan housing


Straw is lightly shredded improving moisture absorbance and livestock comfort, as the straw is not chopped the bed retains it’s structure and provides an hygienic environment.

Increase consumption and reduce waste of baled silage.

Silage that is lightly shredded with a Tomahawk 8500 is more palatable and easily consumed.

8500 Summary

  • Wide body ensures easy loading and offers 124 bushel capacity, for feeding baled and clamp silage.
  • Larger fan in a Hardox housing spreads straw up to 80′ from rectangular or round bales.
  • Also available with Side Chute or in ‘Dual Chop version’ for long or short straw at the touch of a button.

Outstanding ‘Flow Plus’ Performance to save you money.

  • Greater output
  • More consistent feed rate
  • Controlled delivery at low fan speeds

Save Time and Fuel

Time and fuel can be saved by
processing straw prior to it being
added to the ration in a diet feeder.
Over 65,000 chops per minute
offers fast and consistent output

No Over Processing

Pre-process straw so that the
diet feeder does not need to
mix for as long, to prevent over
processing the ration.

Short Chop Length

Chopping down to an average of 2”, with clean cut ends, means you can produce the ideal material for feeding to create effective rumen stimulation and increased milk yields.

Benefits and Features

8 Paddle Fan Adjustable Feed Slide Greedy Boards
Road Lighting Kits Easy Tailgate Loading Robust Transmission

Technical Specifications


Straw is teased from the bale by hooks on the crossbeater.


When the blades are lowered, straw is chopped using a scissor action.


The straw then passes through a quick change calibrating screen
located behind the knife cassette. If the straw is too long it is recirculated
through the blades by the crossbeater. A 11/2” screen is supplied as
standard, with other diameters available.

Baffle Plate

When the blades and baffle plate are raised, straw passes above the
screen and is discharged, without being chopped.

3 Operating Modes

Now you can also process clamp and baled silage with the Tomahawk 8555. The screen which is usually fitted to ensure a consistently short chop length, is now removable through the side of the machine and an optional bypass frame is fitted.
Short Chop knives and screen
Shred knives and bypass frame
Distribute no knives and bypass frame

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1415 Beeson Mill Rd, Leetonia, OH 44431
