Teagle Machinery manufactures the most complete line of bale processors available from any manufacturer in the world. Established in 1943 by the Teagle family in Cornwall England, Teagle equipment is designed to be simple, heavy duty and easy to use.
Cummings and Bricker distributes Teagle products in Connecticut, Delaware, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia.


Teagle Tomahawk 8200 Series

Tomahawk 505M Mill Bale Processor

Box Tomahawk Bale Processor Range

Tomahawk HydroShield dust suppression system

Electric Tomahawk Bale Processor

Tomahawk 4040 Drum Bale Processor

Tomahawk Drum Range Bale Processors

Teagle Telehawk Hydraulic Bale Spreader

Tomahawk 9500 Bale Processor

Tomahawk Drum Bale Processor

Spiromix Feb 2017

Tomahawk 8555 - How it's Made

Tomahawk C12 Bale Processor

Tomahawk 8555 Dual Chop Bale Processor - chop straw short or bed long.

Tomahawk 1010 Bale Shredder, Silage Feeder

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